
Features of the OscarLine system

How It Works

Automatic Deployment


When your lifejacket inflates, OscarLine is expelled immersing it in water . This causes the pod halves to separate and the target to be activated and inflate ready for collection with a boat hook.

See OscarLine Deploy

Water Control

Splashing The System Won't Activate It


Even in the roughest of sailing conditions, our unique water control system allows the pod to get splashed and doused with water without activating it. The OscarLine pod will not activate and deploy the target until it is fully submerged in water.

See How It Works

Easy To Use

No Need To Be An Experienced Sailor


Even if you have very little sailing experience, you will be able to use the OscarLine system successfully. There are just 3 basic steps: Capture & Secure the Target, Attach a Lifting Line to the Strong Point, Lift the MOB to Safety.

See How It's Done

Comfortable To Wear

Easy To Fit In Your Lifejacket


OscarLine is compact and lightweight, weighing less than most smartphones. This design means that OscarLine can be easily fitted in the folds of your lifejacket. The image above shows 2 lifejackets, one of which is fitted with OscarLine.

See A Fitting

The OscarLine Components


The OscarLine Target

When your lifejacket inflates, OscarLine is released, allowing the OscarLine pod to submerge, automatically deploying the OscarLine target. Once fully deployed, the target will float close to the MOB casualty ready for collection with a boat hook. This provides the rescuer with an easy point of contact and quickly makes the vital connection between the MOB and rescue vessel.


The OscarLine Strong Point

While incredibly strong, the OscarLine Target is only designed for easy capture and connection to the rescue vessel. Our unique strong point is the large ring located close to the target, specifically designed for easy connection to any lifting line without disturbing the secured target. This Strong Point provides both a maximum load bearing position and once a lifting line is attached, confidence that you can release the target or even cut it free if it has jammed.


The OscarLine Strong Line

The 10 metres of OscarLine Strong Line has a rated load capacity of 200kg enabling you to lift any fully grown person to safety. Tightly packed into a specially designed, lightweight, flexible container makes it easy to fit into any Lifejacket without affecting the comfort. The container also provides a small amount of resistance keeping the Target firmly engaged with the hook and the line clear of the water and any debris that may be in the immediate vicinity during a rescue.

Only 3 Easy Steps To Recovery

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Collect The Target

Collect the OscarLine Target and bring it onboard. The target is attached to a 10m strong line that pays out under a small amount of tension building in valuable time for the rescuer to make a vital connection between the MOB and vessel, without the danger of being pulled overboard by the weight of the casualty. Now secure the Target to a winch, cleat or other smooth and solid fitting ( vessel dependent).


Connect Your Lifting Line

With the MOB securely attached to the vessel via the target, you can ready your preferred lifting line. Without disturbing the Target, locate the OscarLine Strong Point close to the target and secure your lifting line. Once secured and when ready, you can release the target (or cut it free if jammed) allowing the vital connection to be transferred from the Target to the Strong Point. On some vessels, to reduce the height of lift, it may be preferable to pull the MOB close to the vessel and tie an additional line onto the OscarLine Strong Line whilst slack using a rolling hitch or similar knot.


Lift Out The MOB With The Strong Line

Once paid out, the strong line allows the MOB to be kept at a safe distance from the hull of the rescue vessel, until the rescuer is ready to start hauling them in. The Strong Line is the only link required and can be used at a pace and in a manner that suits the overall conditions necessary for bringing the casualty safely aboard in a single uninterrupted operation. In some circumstances the final recovery may involve a horizontal lift of some kind.